I’m new to the world of WordPress– this is the service that I’m now using to post to DavsAddiction.com. I just discovered that someone gives you what is called a “Daily Prompt” (The Daily Post). This is supposed to make you think or be inspired to write. I noticed today’s word is “Hesitate”. This is the perfect word for me to think about since I am the self-proclaimed world’s worst procrastinator. I am, but then I’m not.


This brings to mind a conversation that I recently had with my dad. He was telling me about one of my ancestors and how he was trying to get this man’s life story down. He expressed his frustration that so many members of our family aren’t as interested in knowing the stories in their family history. He said that when he dies, most of these stories will die with him. My response to him was, “People always make time for what is most important to them.”


I know there’s certain drives and passions that I was born with. I also know that so many of these passions I’ve been able to develop over time. For instance- for as long as I can remember, I have loved to travel. It just so happens that I’ve chosen a vocation that allows me to feed this passion. So- how much of this passion is nature and how much of it is nurture? Was this seed planted due to the fact that my parents’ would load all of us kids into the car and drive from Arizona to South Carolina every summer? Or does it stem from something earlier?

Here’s where I will try to tie this all together. I never hesitate or procrastinate the things the matter the most to me at that particular moment. These priorities do change often, I’m not sure if it’s my undiagnosed attention deficit disorder or if it’s something else. I don’t know how my brain works. I listen to the world around me and it can be frustrating when someone tells me my priorities should be different than what they are. Do I “go through the motions” even though my passion may be pulling me a different way?


via Daily Prompt: Hesitate

4 thoughts on “

  1. I’m super interested in the stories that your dad has accumulated, and wish he’d make them more available. I’d love to put them on a blog for him or something like that…


  2. Never follow your passions;but always bring it with you. In other words do what needs be taking your passion with you. You needed a job, taking your love of adventure lead you to the job you have know. I don’t think it is the passion of travel, I think your passion is meeting people and seeing new places, even if you had a job that keeps you in a town or city, you would adventure to new parts where you live and/or involve your self in activities to meet people. Job is a job, it is bringing your passion to the job that helps one love a job.


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